Roads With Highest Accident Rates in San Diego
Stepping outside your front door has the potential to be a very dangerous task in a city like San Diego. Over the course of the past ten years, car manufacturers have made every effort to improve car safety with additions such as rear-view cameras, airbags, and stability control systems. The California Highway Patrol has increased their efforts to remind the driving public about the inherent hazards of texting while driving a car, drinking and driving, and neglecting your seatbelt. Unfortunately, the number of driver fatalities is still high. According to data that was compiled by the National Safety Council, more than 40,000 people died in car crashes throughout the United Staes last year. Since 2008, 868 people have met with an untimely demise on San Diego roadways, according to California Highway Patrol reports. Some of the more dangerous roadways in the San Diego area have been revealed as the following:
Interstate 5
Interstate 5 also referred to as The 5 is one of the most treacherous roadways to travel on if you are in the San Diego area. Connecting the county of San Diego to the county of Los Angeles, The 5 cuts directly through the state of California. The extremely high density of cars on The 5 can easily surpass a million drivers each day and the never-ending stop and go traffic leads to a steady number of car accidents causing this roadway to necessitate careful and attentive driving at all times.
Interstate 15
Right on the heels of The 5 as the most hazardous freeway to travel on, the I-15 is no less frequent in its disastrous traffic and accidents. Due to the frequency of these accidents that usually require lane closures, you should prepare to be at a dead stop for the majority of your time on this roadway. This road is also notorious for the number of drunk driving arrests that have been made on it over the years. If you must travel this interstate at night, make sure that you remain vigilant of your surroundings and of the behavior of other motorists who are around you.
Freeway 67
This beautiful 25-mile length of highway that runs from El Cajon all the way through to the Mount Woodson area is best known for its sharp turns and twisting roads. Care should be taken when driving along on this (mostly) two-lane road as mishaps such as not braking in time or taking a turn too quickly have been known for causing over 50 deaths over the course of the past two decades.
Making sure that you are alert and paying constant attention to your surroundings is a vital part of being a responsible driver. This reduces your chances of being involved in an auto accident, and should you end up in one anyway, it is likely that you will not be the driver who is found to be at fault. This is also the best way to ensure that you are able to collect on any damages the law says that you are owed. We here at Los Angles Injury Group have a team of experienced personal injury attorneys who have years of practice handling these types of cases here in California. If you would like to speak to one of our hard-working attorneys regarding a free consultation after your car accident, then please give us a call at 310-954-7248 today.