Personal Injury Attorneys Helping You With Your Long Beach Accident
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Long Beach, California, is known for many things – from aquariums and amusement parks to museums and more. There’s never a loss for things to do in Long Beach, where the fun never seems to end! If you live in Long Beach, you know that there is always something to do. And with it being one of the most populous cities in all of California, you will find thousands upon thousands of people utilizing the highways and more at every time of the day. With many people in Long Beach comes the reality that accidents are always right around the corner. This includes anything from auto and truck accidents to plane and boat accidents.
You’ve been injured in a Long Beach accident and you wonder how you can compensate for your injuries. Everyone who has been involved in an accident wonders how they will be able to pay for things like medical treatment or emotional suffering after they have sustained an accident and can’t return to work. Life becomes more difficult when you struggle with injuries, especially if your injuries are permanent or caused a death. We can help you take charge and get back on your feet so that you can move forward with your life.
How We Can Handle Your Personal Injury Claim
What can an attorney do for you that you can’t handle on your own? Many people don’t want to handle their own personal injury claims because this means that they will have to stand up to the big-name insurance companies and defendant’s attorney on their own. When you work with an attorney, you can retain your rights as you deserve so that you can move forward in your time of need.
Personal injury law, today, encompasses many legal remedies and defenses that can be used when somebody brings a personal injury lawsuit due to injuries. Usually, a personal injury claim is only brought when a party has acted negligently and it led to serious injuries and damages. Here is an example of negligence that could lead to a personal injury claim: A pedestrian is trying to cross the street because they have the right of way to do so. However, a vehicle driver is not paying attention to the roads and turns left right into the pedestrian without looking. The pedestrian would be able to recover their damages by bringing a claim. You will find that many of the accidents that occur due to negligence only happen because somebody did not abide by the rules of the road.
The legal system can be entirely complex, which is why we don’t want to have you handle your case alone. We want to help you establish negligence by parties who mean harm so that you can be compensated for your time of need.
Types of Accidents We Cover
At the Los Angeles Injury Group, we cover a wide variety of personal injury cases, from commercial vehicle accidents to auto accidents or ridesharing accidents ranging in severity from minor to major injuries. Long Beach is one of the most populous counties in the entire state, which means that many personal injury cases are filed every year. Many of the accidents you will experience in California on a daily basis include those caused by speed, drunk driving, trucks, and many other types of transportation. We can help you meet all deadlines present in your case, gather evidence that can be useful to show that another party was negligent, and so much more.
Working With You Through Tedious Settlement and Litigation
We understand that going through both the settlement and litigation process is not as easy as it seems. You may have spent time browsing the Internet and speaking to friends who have gone to court and gathering ideas of how settlement works, and why you believe it to be the best option for you. And, while settlement does sound pleasant and can lead to wonderful results, sometimes litigation is completely necessary depending on the turn your claim takes. For instance, what happens if the big-name insurance company is claiming that you are responsible for your accident even though you have evidence that the other party is at fault? Now you find yourself defending against untrue statements and nobody can agree or negotiate on how much they owe you for your injuries. In these cases, matters will usually end up in the hands of a judge.
Only about 4-5% of cases end up at trial, which means that the odds of your case is successfully settled are pretty high. However, if your case does make it to trial, we have what it takes to show the evidence needed to get you results, produce records and bills backing up your case, and so much more.
Thinking About Your Future
And, what if your injuries are permanent and you will be dealing with them for a long way down the road? Unfortunately, many people are injured permanently every year in motorcycle, truck, bus and auto accidents that leave them with very few options. This is especially true when a driver has been drinking or driving distracted or traveling at high speeds before the collision takes place. If you have suffered permanent injuries, you know that it can create chaos in your life. You may be worried as you struggle to return to work, knowing that you may never be able to work again. The medical bills may be piling up from the past and present, and now you’re also worried about how severe the bills will be in the future as you receive medical treatment and rehabilitation that could last a lifetime.
This is why it is important to have an advocate who can stand up for your rights every step of the way. Nobody should be forced to handle a case alone. If you have been injured in a Long Beach accident and need a personal injury attorney to stand by your side, we can be advocates who work toward the rights you deserve. Give us a call today to get started and help you every step of the way, at 310-954-7248.