How to Become a Safer California Driver
Being as safe of a driver as possible should be something that is important to everybody. After all, it only takes one careless or reckless driver on the road to cause a situation that could potentially end badly for themselves and for everyone around them. We all want to get to where we are trying to go in one piece and it is our collective responsibility to make sure that everyone does.
A lot of Califonia drivers have developed some less than desirable driving habits over the years and may not even be aware of the safety risk that they pose to themselves and to the people around them. If you would like to do your part to actively improve the safety of California’s roadways for everybody who uses them, then there are a few easy things that you can do that will make you a part of the solution.
Safe Driving Habits
Buckle Yourself and Your Children Up Properly
Admittedly, the use of your car’s seatbelts, proper child restraints, and properly secured and fitted child safety seats will not decrease your likelihood of being involved in a traffic accident. What it does do, however, is decrease the amount of danger to yourself and to the people who are riding in your car of sustaining serious and even life-threatening injuries in the event that an accident does happen. Data that was collected and analyzed from the Department of Transportation has invariably proven what every safe driver should already be aware of; seatbelts save lives. Do your part to ensure that all of your passengers are buckled up before you start the car. If they are riding with you, they are your responsibility!
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Oftentimes, car accidents take place because a driver neglected to pay attention to the road in front of them and the neighboring areas. As a licensed California driver, you have what is referred to as a duty of care to stay continually observant to your surroundings and watchful of the traffic that is near you. Always double check your vehicle’s blind spots before you change lanes. Come to a complete stop at all crosswalks and look right/left/right (Really look! Don’t just turn your head.) before continuing through or executing a right-hand turn. Slow down when cyclists, motorcycle riders, or pedestrians are in the vicinity.
Make Your Cell Phone Inaccessible
While it is widely agreed that our cell phones are an essential tool for communication in 2019, they should never, ever be in the hands of a driver who is behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. If you find it difficult to fight the need to check the Facebook Messenger alert you just heard, then put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode and place it in a part of your car that you are unable to easily reach as soon as you get in and before you pull out onto the road.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a California car accident for which you are not liable, then you need to contact a personal injury attorney immediately to examine all of your possible legal options. The Los Angeles Injury Group is here to help you. Our personal injury attorneys have the experience necessary to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of financial compensation to which you are entitled. If you would like a free consultation with one of our reliable personal injury attorneys regarding your car accident case, then please give us a call at 310-954-7248 today.