How Can I Tell if I am Eligible for a Class Action Lawsuit in California
The legal definition of a class action lawsuit is a civil claim in which a large number of people, referred to as a “class,” who have suffered the same or very similar injuries, damages, or losses that were caused by the same defective product or negligent action, collectively sue the defendant in one big civil action.
As it pertains to this sort of lawsuit, the victims are usually seeking justice and financial compensation for those losses, injuries, or damages and it is more pragmatic for the courts to have them file a single collective claim instead of each of the class members filing their own individual claim. Any defective product that has caused harm to people who have used it in the way in which it was intended has the potential to qualify for the making of a class action suit.
The most common types of defective products that bring about these collective lawsuits are motor vehicles, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices or implants. Lawsuits that deal with particular types of unlawful conduct, like consumer fraud, securities fraud, corporate misconduct, and illegal employment practices are just a few of the general examples of what could qualify for a class action lawsuit.
The majority of these claims are settled without ever stepping foot in a courtroom. The end goal is for each injured member of the class to receive an equal portion of whatever the total amount of the settlement is.
If I Think I Have a Valid Class Action Lawsuit, Will I Need to Hire an Attorney?
If you are one of many people who is seeking compensation because you have been physically or emotionally mistreated or harmed in some way, then you will need to employ the services of a qualified California class action attorney. If you are attempting to become part of a class action suit that is already ongoing, then there is no need for you to hire your own attorney.
All kinds of class action claims are governed by the same legal principals, but over the years, broad categories of claims have emerged. Every category has unique properties that raise specific issues, each requiring different procedural treatment.
There are five of these broad categories of class action lawsuits and they are:
- Consumer rights
- Securities and antitrust
- Environmental
- Mass torts
- Civil rights
Managing the multitudes of plaintiffs (a number that can frequently climb into the millions), possessing the appropriate legal knowledge, and ensuring that all of the class members who are involved in the lawsuit are kept up-to-date about the ongoing details are just some of the basic essential responsibilities of law firms that regularly represent victims in class action lawsuits.
How Can an Attorney Help me Recover my Damages in a Class Action Lawsuit?
An experienced California class action attorney can professionally advise you as to whether or not filing a class action lawsuit is a viable option in your particular case or if filing a single individual claim would be a smarter tactic. Your attorney will also tell you what actions you should take from that point forward in order for you to get the best outcome possible to your lawsuit.
These kinds of en masse lawsuits are usually very complex due to the nuanced nature of the laws surrounding them and because of the exceptionally large amount of people that usually join in. In order to be awarded any damages, the attorney has to also demonstrate that every class member has been harmed in some way by the defective product.
If you feel that you have a reasonable claim for filing a class action lawsuit on your hands then we here at the Los Angeles Injury Group strongly suggest that you reach out to a California attorney right away. Our qualified class action attorneys have plenty of skill in handling class action claims and have established a very impressive track record thus far.
If you think you would benefit from a free, no-obligation consultation with any of our California attorneys considering a claim that you feel you may have, then please reach out to us by calling our law offices at 310-954-7248 today.