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Common Causes of California Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks are common sights on many highways all over California. The Golden State is home to a number of important destinations but also contains important thoroughfares connecting businesses in surrounding states.

The number of commercial vehicles that have to pass through California also means that the state is a common site of many truck accidents. When a commercial truck is involved in any crash, the simple size of these vehicles often means that the severity of the injuries other people involved may sustain can be much worse than usual.

The owners of commercial trucks often have tremendous financial interest in quickly responding to crash scenes, and it is not uncommon for agents representing the commercial truck’s insurance company to quickly approach victims immediately after these types of accidents to get them to accept proposed settlements and sign away their rights to pursue other legal actions. If you were involved in a commercial truck accident in California, you should resist speaking to these representatives.

Commercial Truck Accident Investigations in California

Truck Accident LawyerAfter victims have sought medical attention for their injuries (or to be sure they did not suffer any injuries), it is important to immediately seek legal representation. You will want to have an experienced personal injury attorney ensure that your vehicle and other key evidence are preserved.

A lawyer can also immediately begin conducting a thorough investigation into the possible cause of your crash. Commercial truck accidents can quickly become very complicated by a number of different factors. In some cases, truck crashes can have multiple causes, with some of the most common causes including, but not being limited to:

  • Driver Fatigue — Commercial drivers can often be forced to work very long hours, and it is not uncommon for a California stretch to be the final leg of a very long drive that has seen a driver on the road for several previous hours.
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI) — A commercial driver may have been operating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs—and it is important to remember that the legal alcohol concentration limit for commercial drivers (0.04) is only half the legal limit for the drivers of traditional passenger vehicles (0.08).
  • Improper Maintenance — Commercial trucks require regular routine maintenance and inspections. When a vehicle’s owner does not check key parts of a truck, it can result in possible brake failure or other issues that can cause devastating wrecks.
  • Speeding — Truck drivers who travel too fast for conditions may be unable to stop or otherwise more likely to cause collisions.
  • Parts Failure — A defectively manufactured or improperly installed truck part might have made the driver powerless to avoid causing a crash, and a third party could be liable for the resulting damages.

Find a Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Were you seriously injured or did your loved one die in a commercial truck crash in California? You will want to contact the Los Angeles Injury Group for help obtaining all of the compensation you need and deserve.

Our firm will identify all possible negligent parties and work to hold them accountable. We offer a free consultation to have our personal injury attorneys provide a complete evaluation of your case.

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Common Causes of California Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks are common sights on many highways all over California. The Golden State is home to a number of important destinations but also contains important thoroughfares connecting businesses in surrounding states.

The number of commercial vehicles that have to pass through California also means that the state is a common site of many truck accidents. When a commercial truck is involved in any crash, the simple size of these vehicles often means that the severity of the injuries other people involved may sustain can be much worse than usual.

The owners of commercial trucks often have tremendous financial interest in quickly responding to crash scenes, and it is not uncommon for agents representing the commercial truck’s insurance company to quickly approach victims immediately after these types of accidents to get them to accept proposed settlements and sign away their rights to pursue other legal actions. If you were involved in a commercial truck accident in California, you should resist speaking to these representatives.

Commercial Truck Accident Investigations in California

Truck Accident LawyerAfter victims have sought medical attention for their injuries (or to be sure they did not suffer any injuries), it is important to immediately seek legal representation. You will want to have an experienced personal injury attorney ensure that your vehicle and other key evidence are preserved.

A lawyer can also immediately begin conducting a thorough investigation into the possible cause of your crash. Commercial truck accidents can quickly become very complicated by a number of different factors. In some cases, truck crashes can have multiple causes, with some of the most common causes including, but not being limited to:

  • Driver Fatigue — Commercial drivers can often be forced to work very long hours, and it is not uncommon for a California stretch to be the final leg of a very long drive that has seen a driver on the road for several previous hours.
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI) — A commercial driver may have been operating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs—and it is important to remember that the legal alcohol concentration limit for commercial drivers (0.04) is only half the legal limit for the drivers of traditional passenger vehicles (0.08).
  • Improper Maintenance — Commercial trucks require regular routine maintenance and inspections. When a vehicle’s owner does not check key parts of a truck, it can result in possible brake failure or other issues that can cause devastating wrecks.
  • Speeding — Truck drivers who travel too fast for conditions may be unable to stop or otherwise more likely to cause collisions.
  • Parts Failure — A defectively manufactured or improperly installed truck part might have made the driver powerless to avoid causing a crash, and a third party could be liable for the resulting damages.

Find a Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Were you seriously injured or did your loved one die in a commercial truck crash in California? You will want to contact the Los Angeles Injury Group for help obtaining all of the compensation you need and deserve.

Our firm will identify all possible negligent parties and work to hold them accountable. We offer a free consultation to have our personal injury attorneys provide a complete evaluation of your case.

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    Note for the readers: This post has been derived from the use of secondary sources and the information provided has not been independently confirmed. The photos depicted in these posts are not representative of the actual accident.  Any inaccuracies will be swiftly corrected once they have been brought to the site’s attention and all requests to remove posts will be honored.

    Disclaimer: This post is intended to provide general information to our readers and to honor the victims of everyday tragedies. We do not wish to cause any disrespect and none of the information contained in this post should be construed to constitute legal or medical advice. Laws vary by jurisdiction and cases often turn on minor differences In fact. Do not rely exclusively on any of the information contained in this post and seek further assistance from a legal or medical professional, where necessary.

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