Boating safety and regulatory requirements: The California Division of Boating and Waterways
Over four million boaters visit waterways in California on a regular basis. A regulatory agency exists specifically for the purpose of making sure boaters remain safe and educated. They provide services to this end under a State mandate. In the very near future, this organization will begin requiring and issuing a sort of driver’s license for those who operate motorized vessels on California’s waterways.
Boating education, safety, and accidents
The California Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) aims to provide safe access to California’s waterways while promoting safe and sound recreational boating practices. Their website hosts a wealth of information regarding boating safety, statistics, California boating law, and more. If you own a boat and frequent lakes, marinas, or oceans, it will be worth your while to study the information provided by the DBW.
Most boating accidents can be prevented. All it takes is for boaters to educate themselves on safe boating techniques and exercise common sense. A few of the most common causes of boating accidents are also the most obvious to keep in mind. For example, always wear a life jacket when aboard a boat or other vessel. And do not drink alcohol while operating a boat or any other motorized vehicle. The DBW also provides educational courses and materials that can help boaters practice safe boating practices.
The DBW has a mandate under Section 51879.7 of the California Education Code to provide water safety education to California’s children. They have developed an effective curriculum made available to K–12 teachers and parents. Courses cover topics such as life jackets and children’s outdoor bill of rights. The DBW is actively involved in efforts to prevent boating and water accidents by means of outreach education. They provide safety education to upwards of 300 schools and scores of adult marina and boating events every year.
California Boater Card
Until recently, no former requirements have been placed upon those who operate aquatic vessels such as boats. However, starting next year, that will no longer be the case. Starting January 1st, 2018, all boaters will be mandated to undergo boating safety education law. That means anyone who operates any motorized, aquatic vehicle on California waterways will have to pass certain exams in order to obtain a lifetime California Boater Card. You can apply for such a card on the California Boater Card website here.
The DBW cautions boaters to ensure that the courses they take are one of the ten courses recognized by the State of California and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators. Any other courses will not make one eligible for a California Boater Card.
Despite the proper education and safety practices, boating accidents will still happen from time to time. If you find yourself involved in a boating accident in California, we will help you understand the necessary legal implications. Lawyers who care will handle your case with diligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.
If you are in need of a personal injury attorney in California, then the Law Office Of Tawni Takagi is the lawyer to contact. She and her law firm can be reached at or you can call her directly at the following number (310) 954-7248.